I'm not a complainer. In fact, I'm generally a pretty easy going person. But there are just a few…okay, quite a few things that really bug the heck outta me. Maybe you can relate?
So here they are — thirteen things that annoy me, in no particular order:
- People at the grocery store who pay by check, but who don't even get their checkbook out of their purse until every last item has been rung up by the cashier.
- People who stand in line to order food at a fast food restaurant, but who wait until they get to the very front of the line before they start deciding what to order. Umm, hello? What were they doing that entire time?
- Channel surfing. I don't mind channel surfing when I'm the one doing the surfing, but I can't stand it when someone else, like my husband, has control of the remote. I do try to be patient, but it still bugs me.
- Television news anchors who overuse alliteration, cliches, and puns in their reports. I'm seriously tired of hearing about how people are experiencing "Sticker Shock" when they open up their high electric bills.
- People who wear pajamas and slippers to go grocery shopping. I'm all about comfort, but it just looks ridiculous. Oh, when is this fad going to pass?
- People who don't listen when I'm having a conversation with them. You know the type. They're so concerned about what they're going to say next, they don't even hear what was said just a moment before. (Conversations with my children come to mind here…)
- Concealing gossip in the guise of a prayer request. Like when people say, "Hey, we need to pray for so-and-so. She's…" God knows what's going on. We don't necessarily need to know all the nasty details.
- Those annoying, materialistic Cadillac commercials. You know what I'm talking about — the ones that appeal to the snob in all of us. Can't stand 'em.
- Habitual tardiness. Can't stand it. If someone's late every so often, that's one thing. But if a person always arrives 15 minutes late, why can't they learn to leave 15 minutes earlier? I'm baffled.
- People who don't understand the concept of personal space. Eighteen inches is quite close enough, thank you!
- Speakers — professional speakers — who can't finish a single sentence without saying ummm half a dozen times.
- Pants that are belted too far south. I have no problem with baggy pants, but I do have a problem with belting your pants so far below your rear end that we can see every inch of your boxer shorts. Yet at the same time, I totally oppose what some politicians here in the Dallas area are proposing — passing laws against baggy drawers. I may not like what it looks like, but people have every right to wear their pants that way if they want.
- Those faucets in public restrooms that you have to push down with one hand to get the water to run. I mean, what is the point of even washing your hands if you have to press a germ-ridden faucet handle with your just-washed hands to rinse off your other hand? I don't get it.
So what are your pet peeves? Leave a comment and let me know!
Bernie says
Great list but the gossip thing has to go – and you are right is very small of people to use gossip as a tool of prayer.
My TT is up at 13 Christmas Gifts for our Muslim Friends
Bernie’s last blog post..13 Christmas Gifts for our Muslim Friends
SJ Reidhead says
I agree with you about #1!
The Pink Flamingo
SJ Reidhead’s last blog post..The Pink Flamingo’s 89th Edition Thursday Thirteen
Nicholas says
1 and 2 infuriate me too.
re 13, I always press those taps with a paper towel, so I don't have to touch them.
Nicholas’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen #72
BorednTalkative says
Great list. I totally agree with you on #1-3. As for #13 I usually use my elbow or paper towel. But they do defeat the purpose of washing your hands.
BorednTalkative’s last blog post..13 Things About My Family
Sherry says
Some of those are my pet peeves, too.
You would love some of the sinks at Japanese places, you just stick your hands under for water, soap, and dryer. 😀 No touching required! 😀
Sherry’s last blog post..CHRISTmas Cheese!
Amy@ Joy of my Heart says
Hi Joy!!! Love you name! It's my middle name..yay for Joy! Ok.. I am laughing so hard as I read your 13 list…lol!! I might have to try it later on this afternoon… going to be thinking about my pet peeves…
I do have to say I TOTALLY agree with on the people that don't listen…ooooo!!! That one just sends me… my husband does that to me and I just stop talking…..lol!
Hugs… A
Amy@ Joy of my Heart’s last blog post..Bookworms?
jayedee says
i am in total agreement with each item on your list. i'd like to add that being called "you guys" annoys me terribly……."what can i get you guys today?" or "how are you guys doing?"
grrrrrrrrrrrrr! so rude imho
happy tt!
jayedee’s last blog post..wordless wednesday…
Jaime says
I agree with most of these. Well said!
Happy TT. :]
Jaime’s last blog post..ThursdayThirteen #1
Ashley says
I think I can say that I agree with ALL of these! Great list! 🙂
Ashley’s last blog post..My New Project
Sonshine says
Some of those are my pet peeves too! 🙂
Hey just wanted to let you know that I answered your "tag" and did up a post! You can read it here….http://glimpseofsonshine.blogspot.com/2008/11/seven-random-things-favorites.html
Sonshine’s last blog post..Seven Random Things–Favorites