Welcome to my Build Your Own Homeschool Library series where I'm sharing with my readers some of my favorite books from my homeschool shelf. Please note that all the posts in this series contain my own opinions, and I have not been compensated by any publishing company for any of the content.
The Junior Classics set of books (published by Collier) is just plain awesome! This particular set that we have on our bookshelf belonged to my husband when he was growing up. He adored the books and has read through each and every volume at least once.
This 10-book set included stories, myths, tales, and legends from around the world. The text isn't dumbed down the way modern children's classics often are, so they're still full of rich vocabulary. The index is also thorough, making it simple to find the exact volume you're looking for.
How we use the books
We don't use these books as a regular part of our curriculum, but I can't tell you how many times we've wanted to read a particular story, and we've found it in this wonderful set of books. Our children love these books, and I have a feeling they're going to fight over who inherits this set when we're gone.
Where to find the books
Since The Junior Classics is such an old set, it might be difficult to find locally. However, there are several sets available online at Amazon and eBay. You might even have some success if you look carefully at bookstores such as Half Price Books that tend to carry full set of old children books. And you never know, you might want to ask your parents or grandparents; they might have a set lying around their own house!
View a subject-by-subject list of all the posts in the Build Your Own Homeschool Library series here.
I bought these at a garage sell a few years ago. Thanks for reminding me about them, I'll have to get them out and start using them again!
Just to let you know, I found these online for free at: http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/results
They are public domain now so you can just download them from there or even listen to them since they have been put down on mp3 and other formats.
Hope this helps!
Sorry, wrong link….just do a search for "Junior Classics" at http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
This should work,