If you're teaching your child to read, but you've never heard of Starfall, then you're missing out on a wonderful resource! Hurry on over to Starfall and check out their wonderful site.
Here's a sample of what Starfall has to offer:
Learn to Read—Zac the Rat and other tales: This is Starfall's absolutely wonderful interactive website with online readable books, phonics activites, and short animated videos about reading. Phonics is presented in a systematic, sequential manner. Here's a glimpse of what their Learn to Read—Zac the Rat and other tales menu looks like:
FREE downloadable printouts from Starfall
You'll want to check these out! Many of the printouts correlate well with Explode the Code. All of the printouts, of course, correlate with their Learn to Read—Zac the Rat and other tales website.
- ABC printouts for handwriting and letter-learning practice.
- Reading & Writing Journal Pages (Level 1): This writing journal is designed for K-1 readers who have a basic understanding of letter-sound relationships. It will help you teach long, short, and r-controlled vowel sounds, and provide practice with digraphs, blends, word families, and creative writing.
- Reading & Writing Journal (Level 2): Children write using words from a picture dictionary. Encourages budding writers.
- Cut-Up/Take-Home Books (Level 1): Written with a high percentage of decodable words to avoid frustration, all of the words, including decodable and high-frequency sight words, are taught explicitly on the Starfall interactive website.
- Phonics Activity Worksheets: Various phonics puzzles that help reinforce what is learned from Starfall's Learn to Read website.
- Reading Awards/Incentives: Printable certificates to reward reading the books available on Starfall's website.
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