Garnetta, a long-time Five J's reader, sent me a list of great summer reading programs to share with the rest of my readers. (I've also added the reading programs suggested by commenters to this list.)
While your children read books over the summer, they can earn money, t-shirts, free movie admission, and more. Reading programs are also an easy way to encourage and motivate reluctant readers.
If you know of any other programs that aren't on the list, please let me know in the comments!
1. Barnes & Noble Imagination's Destination
Kids earn a free book when they read 8 books. More info here.
2. Half Price Books' Feed Your Brain Summer Reading Program
Kids can earn $5 Back-to-School Bucks when they read 600 minutes. More info here.
3. H.E.Buddy Summer Reading Club
Kids earn a free T-shirt when they read 10 books. More info here.
4. Pottery Barn Kid's Summer Reading Program
Kids earn prizes when they read books from a recommended reading list of great book. More info here.
5. PBS Kids Summer Reading Community Challenge
This is a free 6-week program to help children discover the joys of reading (started June 6). Participants will receive a daily email with fun activities to build reading skills, tricks and advice from a Challenge coach, great book suggestions, and a chance to win daily prizes. More info here.
6. National Amusement Theatres' Book Worm Wednesday
Kids get free admission when they bring in a book report about a book they've read (report form is downloaded from the site). More info here.
7. TD Bank Summer Reading Program
Kids read 10 books and get $10 deposited into their new or existing Young Saver Account. More info here.
8. Borders '10 Summer Reading Double Dog Dare
Kids get a free book when they read 10 books. More info here.
9. Homeschool Summer Reading Program (by HSBA Post, The Homeschool Village, and Master Books)
Each homeschooler is encouraged to read 3 books from a reading list in June and another set of 3 books in July. Fill out when you complete reading 3 books and win a 4th book free! More info here.
thanks for this list! here is another great one – The Master Books Summer Reading Program:
@Eryn {mamahall}, Thanks! I didn't know about that one. I added it to the list! 🙂
Hi – We (The Homeschool Village teamed up with The HSBA POST) has one w/ Master Books!
Local libraries usually have a summer reading program where your child can earn a free book.
@Karen, I run the Summer Reading Program at our community library and it is the best! The prizes differ from library to library, but I can tell you that there are many more things to win than a free book at our library. As a matter of fact, most libraries have huge raffles of prizes, including some that are donated to them from businesses within the community.
Thanks so much for posting these reading programs. Most of my children really enjoy reading & while we school all years long, I think it will be a great way to keep them motivated to read!
Scholastic Books has one, too!
Rockland Trust has one too!
Join Rockland Trust for a summer of fun with reading and saving!
READING MAKES CENT$ is our bank-wide summer reading program that encourages children to read during the summer and teaches the value of saving money in a savings account.
• Read your favorite books from June 27, 2011 through August 12, 2011 – don't forget your summer reading lists!
•Earn $2.50 in a Rockland Trust savings account for each book you read (up to 10 books).
•Earn an invitation to an end-of-summer ice cream party!
just heard about a new summer reading program called sponsered by thought you may want to add it to your list.
thanks troy
Another mom was just telling me last night how she runs a summer reading program in their home. She buys a basket of stuff at the dollar store, then sets up the requirements. They are required to read for themselves, and also to their younger siblings. They can choose prizes at the end of every week. At the end of the summer, if everyone met their goals, they choose an audiobook to order and enjoy together.