My 88 keys on my piano is how I can be a stay-at-home mom. God works when we do not even know it.
When I was taking piano lessons as a child, I had absolutely no idea that those lessons would eventually allow me to stay at home with my children. But here I am, 28 years after my first piano lesson at the tender age of five, and I have the privilege of being able to stay home with my three children instead of having to work a 9-to-5 job.
Sure, I still have to work, but it's in my own home, and for less than 3 hours a day. How awesome is that!
I have no idea if my parents ever thought about the possibility of me teaching piano lessons; the thought may never have crossed their minds. In fact, it never even crossed my mind until after Jeff and I moved to Alaska after college. When we moved to Anchorage, I had been told that I would have a position somewhere in the school, but I hadn't been told exactly what that position would be.
So there we were on our first Sunday in Alaska, sitting in the congregation of over 2,500, and the pastor was introducing the new school faculty members to the church. When the pastor got around to introducing us, he introduced Jeff as the school's new band director — and announced (to my utter surprise and amazement) that I would be teaching advanced piano!
What?! *gasp* I'd never taught a piano lesson in my life, and there I was, thrown into a full-time position as a piano teacher in a private school…and I would have 40 students per week!
Talk about baptism by fire.
But God knew what He was doing. I may have never even thought about teaching piano had I not been forced gently encouraged to do it in Alaska. But now, 14 years later, I've had well over 100 different students from 3 different states, and I couldn't be happier with where I am now. I'm able to be home with my children! What more could I ask?
Thanks, Mom and Dad, for encouraging me to take those piano lessons (and for paying for all of them!). It's paid off more than you could ever know!
God used my 88 keys to let me be a stay-at-home mom never knowing I would be a homeschool mom in the process.
For more Gratitutesday, visit Heavenly Homemakers.
I enjoyed your post! Thank you for the reminder! Have a great day.
Thank you for the encouraging post for having my children to continue in their piano. My daughter has tried several different things but kept wanting to change after about a year to something else. I know it is great to let them try things, but sometimes they need to stick to something and piano has been the one I have made her stick to. She doesn't grumble about it anymore. 😀 My son just started a few months ago, too.
Sherry’s last blog post..Cheesy Chicken Lasagna w/leftovers and Cleaning Up My Cookbook Cupboard
So neat how God prepared the way for you to have this career option!
It Feels Like Chaos’s last blog post..God Knows I Am Inadequate!
You are most welcome!
It was our pleasure!
I hope you have many years of piano teaching success. Good luck.