I was recently introduced to a great art & drawing lessons resource for homeschoolers called The Virtual Instructor. The site offers both free and premium art lessons via video tutorials.
The instructor, Matt Fussell—who is not only an excellent artist but a wonderful teacher—contacted me a few weeks ago to let me know about his website. He also graciously agreed to give my family a complimentary membership so I can look over everything the site has to offer and review it for my readers. And I must say, I was quite impressed!
The Review
The Virtual Instructor is a website full of video-based art lessons and tutorials, some of which are accessible for free. The reasonably-priced annual membership option gives you complete access to the site (and it also has a 30-day money back guarantee). He's also offering a "try it for $1, and cancel anything" promotion so you can see what full access includes.
This is what members have access to.
- 5 complete video courses that total over 20 hours of course video and over 600 pages of ebooks.
- Live streamed lessons each week for 1 hour.
- Downloads of every single video so you can watch offline.
- Planning materials for teachers/parents. Each lesson includes presentation materials, handouts, videos, essential questions and more.
Here's an example of one of his art lessons about drawing hands.
My 10-year-old daughter Joely has been poring over the site for the last few weeks. She has completed "The Secrets of Drawing" course and has been watching as many of the other videos as she can as well. She's thoroughly enjoyed the lessons, and even though it's been a short time since she started The Virtual Instructor, I've already noticed a marked improvement in her skills.
Here's what Joely says about The Virtual Instructor.
"My favorite thing about The Virtual Instructor is that whatever you want to learn about, he has a video or a live lesson on that topic. There is watercolor. There is acrylic painting. Graphite. Anything you want to learn! I've been at it for a few weeks and I've improved a lot."
I have not used any art curriculum with my children.
We have used Artistic Pursuits. It is a great curriculum, but it is harder to follow along with a book than a video.
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I have a 10 year old daughter who loves art. This would be put to amazing use!
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I've used Christian Light, ACE, and Meet the Masters. All good.
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Meet the Masters
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We haven't tried any art curriculum yet and I've been unsure what to do. Thanks for this great giveaway!
Would love to use the art program offered. I do not have a art subject but would love to introduce this to my kids.
We have not really used any art curriculum. I have Drawing From the Right-Side of Your Brain, but not used it yet. My best friend is an amazing middle school art teacher and has given us some lessons. This would be great!
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This next year is the first year that i am considering art lessons. My son informed the other day that as a future inventor, he would need drawing classes.
I haven't used an art curriculm but my daughter loves to draw and I am excited to check this out! Thanks!
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I have only used the Alpha Omega Thomas Kincade art lesson. We liked it well enough. I'm not sure I watched enough to have any specific opinions.
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I've not used any formal art curriculum w/my children.
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