My 10-year-old daughter has been reading a lot of the Redwall series by Brian Jacques, and she's been inspired to write some animal-related poetry herself, in a similar style. Here are here first three poems.
"The Little Folk"
by Jerah Miller
All the little folk run around
One ant says to another
‘Turn that frown upside down’
Be happy like the little folk
Run around run around
Turn that frown upside down
All the little folk run around
One ant says to another
‘Oh don’t frown’
Be happy like the little folk
Run around run around
Oh don’t frown
All the little folk run around
One ant says to another
‘Don’t be so down’
Be happy like the little folk
Run around run around
Don’t be so down
All the little folk swim around
One ant says to another
‘Just don’t drown’
Be happy like the little folk
Swim around swim around
Just don’t drown
Be happy like the little folk.
"Deja vu"
by Jerah Miller
Sunshine and roses
Clear morning dew
I pass you by and say
How do you do
Sunshine and roses
Clear morning dew
In the bright sunlight
You join me too
Sunshine and roses
Clear morning dew
I pass you by and say
How do you do
Sunshine and roses
Clear morning dew
In the bright sunlight
You join me too
Sunshine and roses
Clear morning dew
Isn’t life beautiful
With deja vu.
"Rudder Round Up"
by Jerah Miller
One old otter said to another
‘What are you doing here?’
The otter is question just smiled and said
‘I’m just here fer the old rudder round up’
Fer ‘tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
And we’ll wrestle on t’e floor
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Some beast is knockin’ at the door
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Do ya want a cup of tea
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Best do it at the sea
A young un’ otter said to another
‘What are you doing here?’
The young un’ in question just smiled and said
‘I’m here fer the old rudder round up’
Fer ‘tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
And we’ll wrestle on t’e floor
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Some beast is knockin’ at the door
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Do ya want a cup of tea
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Best do it at the sea
A little ottermaid said to another
‘What are you doing here?’
The maid in question just smiled and said
‘I’m here fer the old rudder round up’
Fer ‘tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
And we’ll wrestle on t’e floor
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Some beast is knockin’ at the door
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Do ya want a cup of tea
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Best do it at the sea
A young kit said to another
‘What are you doing here?’
The kit in question just smiled and said
‘I’m here for the old rudder round up’
Fer ‘tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
And we’ll wrestle on t’e floor
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Some beast is knockin’ at the door
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Do ya want a cup of tea
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Best do it at the sea
A warrior otter said to another
‘What are you doing here?’
The warrior in question just smiled and said
‘I’m here fer the old rudder round up’
Fer ‘tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
And we’ll wrestle on t’e floor
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Some beast is knockin’ at the door
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Do ya want a cup of tea
‘Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Best do it at the sea
’Tis the ‘Rudder Round Up’
Just for you and me.
Wow! I am so impressed, Jerah!
.-= Crystal Paine´s last blog ..Thanks for your patience with the technical issues! =-.
You did a great job on the poems. I really like the first one. Keep up the good work!
These are excellent poems! My favourite is Deja Vu!
.-= Cyn´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday =-.
What wonderful poetry Jerah!! You are truly talented!! ~ Thank you for sharing with us mom, I enjoyed them all!
.-= Karen´s last blog ..Simple Woman's Daybook fun! =-.
Wow! These are excellent! I'm going to print them out for my almost ten-year-old daughter and see if she's inspired to try it.
.-= Lee´s last blog ..Tidbit =-.
My kids all love Brian Jaques. Thanks for sharing these!
.-= Susan´s last blog ..Five Random Happy Thoughts =-.