Geometry Lessons
Joely learned about obtuse angles today when she discovered that she can't tip the pitcher of Kool-Aid more than 90 degrees from vertical…or this happens.
Jerah combines silent reading with lunch time. This is definitely not an unusual scene in our house.
Classroom Clutter
This is our schoolroom, also known as our living room, after lunch today. You can see the dozens of dry erase markers on the ottoman and in the box on the floor; we use our lap-sized dry erase boards daily so we collect as many dry erase markers as possible. The green couch is where we do all of our reading and lessons that require my direction (science, history, math, grammar, etc.); I usually sit in the middle, with my feet propped up on the ottoman, and all three kids cuddle up beside me.
Family Picture from Christmas
My mom sent me this snapshot of our family today, taken a couple days after Christmas. And yes, those are shorts my husband is wearing. We do live in Texas after all!
love the eating and reading one!
Tracy’s last blog post..Compassion
She is definitely into her book 😀
Sherry’s last blog post..Easy and yummy Korean Marinated Beef (Bulgogi)
We live in Texas too and my husband also prefers shorts, even on colder days. I say "give me a sweater below 50 degrees". Best wishes at homeschooling the rest of the year.
The Sojourning Bracketts’s last blog post..Thoughts on Motherhood
How fun. I am taking pictures of our day today to share over on our blog. I will try to have them up tonight.
What a beautiful horse, and yes he is big.Thanks for stopping by my part of the blogasphere earlier and hope that you stop by again soon.
Tiffany @ GoneCounty’s last blog post..Weigh-in Wednesday
I love the reading picture! That's how I looked while growing up. Books weren't just part of my childhood. They WERE my childhood. I love it when my children have their noses in books!
mom to 9
Martie’s last blog a food rut…