Arachnophobic – extreme or irrational fear of spiders.
My kids discovered this gorgeous spider outside our dining room window. We haven't yet determined what type of spider this is (other than huge and kiwi-green!), but hopefully it won't take much research. With a body that's a good 2 inches long and such beautiful markings, surely it won't be difficult to identify! If you happen to know what kind of spider this is (genus and species would be great) please leave a comment.
UPDATE: Karen Joy at Only Sometimes Clever has kindly identified this 8-legged beauty for us as a Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans).
You can click on the picture to see it even larger — if you dare!
It is neat to see my children enjoying learning when they discover something new and interesting in nature. I am glad they are not arachnophobic.
Did a little Googling… It looks like a Green Lynx Spider, Peucetia viridans. I found it here (scroll down a bit):
Did you use gorgeous and spider in the same sentence…Yuck…I simply cannot stand spiders, no matter what color they are. IC:
Kristin, I couldn't stand spiders either until we decided to study them after finding a very large black and yellow zipper spider outside a window at church. After learning more about them, I discovered that my fear GREATLY decrease.
Now, I'm not saying I catch them bare handed, mind you, but I no longer climb onto the couch shrieking when I see one racing across the floor. It's more like, "Oooo, what kind of spider is that? Get a shoe while I try to find out."
Weird, I know. But Weird is my middle name. 🙂
Oops, looks like you already found it.
I looove spiders, and this one is remarkable! Thanks for sharing.