Four score and seven years ago…well, maybe more like a three and a half weeks ago…my dear friend Kate tagged me to blog seven random facts about myself. I obviously didn't take up the challenge immediately. Instead I worked on transferring my WordPress blog to my own domain. So now that that's all done, I have no more excuses.
So now I present these seven, long-awaited (or maybe long-dreaded), insignificant, not-so-well-known facts about myself. How's that for inspiring?
- I don't like wearing shoes. I'd prefer to go barefooted all day long. I take off my shoes as soon as I walk in the door of my house. I even take off my shoes when I'm playing piano during church services — thank goodness for that curtain! As a child I used to play outside on our gravel driveway barefooted. Needless to say, the soles of my barefeet are not pretty too this day. But at least my feet are comfortable.
- I like to watch movies with subtitles turned ON. I know, it's a geek thing, but I can follow a movie so much better if I can read what is being said. Maybe it's just because I'm so much more comfortable with a book in my hand?
- I'm hardly ever sick. Even when my kids are puking all over me, I rarely catch what they have. In a typical year, I get sick once, and that's generally with just a cold (speaking of which, my annual cold is scheduled to arrive sometime next month — arghhh!). But other than that one miserable cold per year, I'm a very healthy person. My cholesterol is consistently 126, my blood pressure is an enviable 100/60, and my resting pulse rate is a steady 72.
- I was a tomboy as a child. My nickname was Davi. I built tree forts. Dug in the dirt. Played with snakes.
- I'm very punny. Often too punny, as my husband faithfully reminds me. But I come by it honestly; my father is the punniest guy I know.
- Speaking of my Dud — as I so affectionately call him — my father and I sometimes email each other using only homophones. Ewe no watt eye mien? I'm just a chip off the ol' blockhead, as he likes to call me.
- I love both photography and graphic design, the combination of which results in my spending hours upon hours on the computer designing things like this, which usually end up as Christmas gifts for family (click for full size).
Here are the rules of this meme
- Post these four rules on your blog
- Write seven random things about yourself
- Tag seven people at the end of your post
- If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag
Here are the excellent bloggers I would like to tag. I look forward to learning more about each of you!
thanks for the tag.
Oh and those muffins, they are not very orangey to me. They are very mild. Hubby doesn't like OJ either and he loves them. 🙂
Wow! I was just popping over to see what you wrote on your 7 things….and WHOA!!!….there is MY NAME! Ok, give me a bit to get it posted…..I've got about a week's worth of stuff in line to get posted….tee heee.
Thanks and have a super evening!!!
I do the same thing – love watching movies with the subtitles on. Drives hubby crazy. But seriously, when you have a bunch of little ones, and you're watching a chick flick where they're actually having conversation – you have to! It's not like a boy movie where the whole thing is just explosions and giant green monsters knocking things over. Oh, sorry was I ranting? 🙂
Oh the pressure! What ever will I reveal? However I must admit I AM touched that you thought of me.
I've enjoyed learning about you… and I'm diggin' your new look! Very nice.
Alright, I've got to get thinking.
I really wasn't ignoring my tagged-ness! It's been such a crazy last few days that for some reason I didn't see it!! Aaahhhhh! I'm going to hop right on it. Thanks for thinking of me. =0)
Runningamuck’s last blog post..He Signed a Blank Check For YOU