I was "stumbling" around the internet today and came upon a few great sites I thought I'd share. (Why, oh why, didn't I find StumbleUpon sooner? It's so much fun!):
- Chore Buster: A very interesting free chore managing site. According to the site, after you register (for free) you simply enter in people and chores, specify how hard / undesirable each chore is, and how often it should be done, and then ChoreBuster automatically generates a fair schedule of chores which can be emailed to you daily or weekly. I've created an account and it appears to be very customizable—you choose days of the week you want/don't want to do chores, schedule vacation time, exclude some members of the family from certain chores, etc.
- Current Codes and RetailMeNot: Easy-to-use databases for current online discount shopping cart codes. A definite must-check-out site if you're like me and appreciate a good discount now and again.
- Bible Maps: Just choose the book and the chapter of the Bible you're interested in, and the site shows you a map of the region where that scripture takes place (thank you Google maps!).
- Free Art Class—How to Draw a Head: This is a neat online video "class" that teaches about how to draw a face. It's more than just a do as I do class; it gets into proportions, drawing specific features, etc. Great site for those interested in drawing.
- Never-Ending Card: Very interesting (and easy-to-understand!) instructional video on how to make a "never-ending card" with just four 3 inch by 6 inch pieces of cardstock. I think we'll have to try this for the next birthday party the kids attend.
Happy linking!
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