Here are our finished letterboxing stamps.
Jeff carved his own (the guitar one); I carved mine (the fish), the "Five Js," Jerah's (the puppy), and Joely's (Tigger); and Jaden designed and carved his own completely by himself.
It took me a while to decide on what I wanted for my stamp, but I finally settled on the fish because it has so many meanings for me:
- My maiden name has the name of a fish in it (I was even called "Fish Face" on occasion because of it [sniff]),
- I'm a Pisces, and
- I'm a Christian.
So the fish seemed appropriate.
By the way, do you know how to spell fish?
Trust me, it is!
Sharon says
Hey!! Thanks for posting on my blog! It is good to "meet you!" So do you know QB through AQ or are you local to her? I will try to check out more of your blog later! God bless you! Sharon
Jean says
Really neat stamps. Good job, Jaden. Letterboxing sounds interesting, though I have never heard of it before this. Is it done everywhere?