Welcome to my Build Your Own Homeschool Library series where I'm sharing with my readers some of my favorite books from my homeschool shelf. Please note that all the posts in this series contain my own opinions, and I have not been compensated by any publishing company for any of the content.
The Homeschooler's Book of Lists is an amazing almanac written specifically for homeschoolers. Here is a small sampling of what the book covers:
History and Government: government types, election results, original colonies, legislative process, holidays, etc.
Language Arts: sight words, linguistic terms, morse code, phonetic alphabet, writing ideas, etc.
Mathematics: famous mathematicians, geometric figures, measurement equivalents, measurement terms, financial terms, world currencies, etc.
Religion: major world religions, Biblical timeline, kings of Israel and Judah, women and children of the Bible, key Bible memory verses, etc.
Science: renowned scientists, major inventions, fields of science, definitions of -ology words, periodic table of elements identification guide, history of space flights, etc.
Animals: animal and plant classification, deadliest animals, longest life spans, animals once considered extinct, etc.
The human body: human development stages, major organ systems, human teeth, good health habits, healthy snacks, food groups, basic first aid and fire safety, etc.
Geography: geography terms, Richter Scale, Fujita Tornado Damage Scale, Saffir-Simpson hurrican Scale, rock classification, state facts, major mountain ranges, caves and caverns of the worlds, etc.
Foreign language: common Greek and Latin roots, origin of names of days of the week and months of the year, origina of food names, similar words in seven languages, common foreign words and phrases used in English, etc.
Great people: famous people during each historical era, major/minor Greek and Roman gods, Native Americans to know, founding fathers, leaders of the Abolitionist movement, Christian missionaries, Nobel Prize winners, etc.
Quotations, speeches, and other documents: fairy tales, proverbs from other countries, famous Shakespearean quotes, the Code of Hammurabi, the Bill of Rights, etc.
Computers: computer terminology, computer maintenance, fraud prevention, etc.
Art and music: types of Greek and Roman columns, art styles, instruments in the orchestra/band, vocal parts, musical terms, patriotic songs, renowned composers, etc.
Curriculum and homeschool methodologies: popular homeschool methods, curriculum overview, recommended authors, recommended reading, good study habits for homeschoolers, etc.
Organizational and reference lists for teachers, parents, and students: book buying bargains, field trips, chore ideas, tasks to do in 5 minutes or less, baby-sitter's checklist, Boy Scout merit badges, Newbery Medal and Honor books, etc.
The book also comes with a CD from which you can print out any of the lists from the book.
How to use the book
This book has so many uses, I don't even know where to begin. You could use the book as a reference to plan individual lessons or whole unit studies. You could assign sections for your children to read through. Your children could use some of the lists to find subjects for research papers.
I haven't even scratched the surface for how this book can be used. The Homeschooler's Book of Lists is an invaluable resource to have on your shelf. You'll be referring to it often.
View a subject-by-subject list of all the posts in the Build Your Own Homeschool Library series here.
I have this book and LOVE it.
Somebody knows their audience! This is genius. Putting the two things homeschoolers love most together in one product- books and lists. LOL! I love it!
Hey, we have that book too! I think I've read it more than the kids!! 🙂 It's AWESOME!
I love this book. I first saw it at the library this past summer. It's on my wish list of to buys.
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