Way back in December 2012, I wrote a post about my homeschooling cousin, already the mother of 6, who had taken in an additional 10 children (of a family of 16 children) whose mother was terminally ill and whose father was unable to care for them. Due to regulations with foster care in their state, my cousin was not receiving financial support through the foster care system at that point, so I reached out to my awesome readers to help. Through your generosity, you raised over $7,525 in support for the family! Since then, my cousin and her husband officially adopted 7 of the children (and unofficially 3 more), and they are all doing very well.
One of the young ladies they adopted is named Love, and she is now preparing to serve in South Sudan as a missionary. She wanted to give all of you an update on how she's preparing for the mission field as well as ask if you'd like to help support her in this new endeavor. I've included her words below—with a few interjections in [square brackets] from me!
A Little About Love
The most important part of who I am and where I came from is rooted in my faith in Jesus Christ. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was very young and grew a deeper relationship with him as the years passed and hardship came.
I grew up in a large family of 16 children where cooking, cleaning, creativity, movie quotes, self-sufficiency, and caring for siblings were all part of normal, everyday life. I was homeschooled and pretty much self-taught for most of my education up to high school.
Due to family distress and tragedy, my siblings and I were taken in and provided for by a loving family [Joy's cousin!] who attended our church. They were willing to take us in as their own if that is what the Lord was asking them to do.
Through the love of this family, support of my home church, some amazing individuals who contributed to our financial needs through Five J’s website community [that's you guys!!!!], the transition and healing was much smoother. Through the careful instruction and wisdom of my now adoptive mother, I graduated high school and moved on to college. It was during my first week of college classes at Word of Life Bible Institute that I was adopted into the Boettinger family! After four years in foster care, it was great to have it made official.
How Did I Get Into Missions?
Throughout my life, I have felt a persistent calling to share the Gospel with those who have never heard it. The desire to see the farthest reaches of the world touched by God’s love and gift of forgiveness became a personal responsibility to fulfill.
During my first year at the Bible college, I was introduced to a sending agency called Africa Inland Mission (AIM). They sent me on a three-month training program among unreached people in North Africa. It became clear to me that life of a missionary is full of sacrifice, struggles, and dangers. It may not have been the glamorous adventure that I had imagined it to be, but at the end, I was sure missions was where I belonged. Upon my return home, I received my first long-term assignment from AIM. They were sending me to South Sudan!
My Mission to the People of Torit
AIM offered me a place on a small team heading to Torit, South Sudan. The team will consist of four other team members and our two mentors who are currently preparing for our arrival. The focus of our ministry will be to come alongside the local church of Torit and help them reach out to their surrounding communities with the Gospel. We will learn to thrive in the communities through language learning, farming, and working with the local believers in their ministries.
How You Can Help!
Before I can get on the field, I am required to raise 100% of my monthly support as well as set-up funds. In order to reach that 100%, I must raise a remaining $1,090/month and $8,000 for the one-time expenses by September 27, 2019. Online contributions can be made at usgiving.aimint.org/missionary/1018130
If you are interested in learning more or receiving my news updates, my email is loveleeellis@gmail.com
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