Homeschool Planner
This 200+ page PDF includes 13 sections: Our Homeschool, Curriculum Planning, Preschool Planning, Book Reading Planners, General Scheduling Planners, Calendars, Daily & Weekly Planners, Record Keeping Forms, Grading Forms, Unit Study Planner, Unschooling Records, Chore Charts. NOTE: The planner is in grayscale to save ink, but if you prefer higher-contrast black and white, you can download the BW version of the planner.
Printable Home School Year Calendar
The PDF includes a 19-month calendar starting in either June, and going through December of the following year. The calendar also includes a key to indicate different types of days such as field trips, holidays, full days, half days, etc. as well as an additional column in each month to record the week number of school, attendance, etc. It also includes an example calendar that is highlighted to show different quarters. If you want to see what that looks like, you can view the 2019-2020 version here. (Look at page 4 to see the example of highlighting).
Gradebook+ Record Keeping Spreadsheet
Gradebook+ is a free gradebook and record-keeping spreadsheet template for homeschool. It was originally created for use with my high school son, but it can be used for any grade level. Gradebook+ is easy-to-use and customizable to fit your own homeschool, and detailed instructions for using the spreadsheet template are included.
High School Credit Planner Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet helps you plan out your child's four years of high school. It includes pages broken down either by year or semester. Instructions for use can be found on the download page.
This 12-page PDF includes two charts, one that shows the measurements of a circle in 45-degree increments, and one based on the hands of a clock. The charts also offer tips to help memorize the various angles as well. The other 10 pages are comprised of three sets of flashcards, one set showing angles as parts of a pie (filled in), another showing angles as lines, and the last showing the angles related to the hands of a clock. Answers are included on the back of each card, which can also be used for study.
Number Bonds
This 2-page PDF explains number bonds which offer a concrete visual representation of the relationship between addition & subtraction or multiplication & division. Instead of thinking of each fact family as a list of four equations containing 12 numbers, the child pictures each fact family as a number bond of only three numbers. Read the number bonds post for extra tips on how to use the worksheets.
Mega Math Printables Set
This 24-page set includes a 100 chart, number bonds worksheets, clocks (in 3 versions), calendars, coordinate planes, number lines (in several versions), and graph paper.
Basic Kitchen Measurements & Conversions
This 1-page PDF includes visuals for how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon, how many tablespoons are in a cup, how many ounces are in a cup, etc.
How Many Pints in a Gallon
This unique yet simple diagram helps visualize volume relationships much better rote memorization. A black/white version is also available.
Math Coordinate Plane Game (Four in a Row)
This printable game helps your student practice with ordered pairs and coordinate planes. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get four in a row, vertically, horizonontally, or diagonally.
Math Coordinate Plane Game (Four/Five in a Row)
This printable game helps your student practice with ordered pairs and coordinate planes, including a full coordinate plane with four quadrants. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get four or five in a row, vertically, horizonontally, or diagonally.
Divisibility Test
This 1-page chart shows all the divisibility tests for the factors up to 10. A black/white version is also available.
Learn pi to 35 Decimal Places
Although there is not much practical application of memorizing pi to the 35th decimal, learning pi is a good memory lesson that can be applied to other disciplines.
Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion
This 2-pg PDF uses a Celsius/Fahrenheit formula without fractions, which is much easier to remember and to figure with a calculator. The first page illustrates some common temperatures in both Celsius and Fahrenheit, ones that would be useful for everyone to memorize. The second page includes a visual that simplifies the process of converting temperature measurements between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
States of Matter
This 8-pg PDF worksheet set covers the four states of matter: solids, liquids, gases, and plasma. It includes a color chart of the different states of matter, included labels for the changes between each state, the same chart with the labels removed so that the student can fill in the appropriate terms, an answer key for the fill-in-the-blank worksheet, and a word list of all the terms related to the states of matter and changes between each phase.
Periodic Table of the Elements
This 12-page PDF set of worksheets includes a printable, color-coded periodic table of the elements and an alphabetical list of the elements. The other 10 pages are different versions of the chart in black and white that allow the student to learn the element names, chemical symbols, and atomic numbers in different ways.
How to Fill Out Forms
Forms and applications require names, birth dates, and addresses to be written in dozens of different ways. You can prepare your children for this real-world skill by introducing them to a variety of forms and actually having actually practice filling them out. This 1-pg PDF presents a variety of forms for practice.
U.S. Postal Abbreviations
This 29-pg ebook includes everything you need to teach your children the states and postal abbreviations—lesson plans, worksheets, flashcards, printable maps, and more. Written to be used with children of any age, this ebook will equip your children with information much more useful than learning just the states and capitals.
Ancient Egypt Outline Map
A simple grayscale outline map of Egypt. While it is titled Ancient Egypt, it can obviously be used for any time period.
Ancient Greece Outline Map
A simple grayscale outline map of Greece. While it is titled Ancient Greece, it can obviously be used for any time period.
Understanding Centuries
This 2-page PDF helps children understand centuries and our sometimes confusing nomenclature for them. The first page explains how centuries are defined, and the second page has two sections of written drills where the student writes the equivalent century or years for the given information.
Months of the Year, Seasons, and Leap Year
This 16-page worksheet set helps children learn month names & abbreviations,
month numbers (January = 1, July = 7, etc), month length, month order, Leap Year (what it is, and why we do it), and seasons (both Northern & Southern Hemisphere).
month numbers (January = 1, July = 7, etc), month length, month order, Leap Year (what it is, and why we do it), and seasons (both Northern & Southern Hemisphere).
Recording Fingering Chart
This easy-to-read recording fingering chart covers about an octave and a half from middle C up.
Mega List of Homophones
This 14-pg PDF includes more that 1683 sets of homophones (3598 unique words). Only homophones (or homonyms if you prefer) with different spellings are listed. Some proper nouns, contractions, plurals, and possessives are included in the list. Read the unusual story behind the creation of this list
Little "b" and "d" Coloring Page
This 3-page PDF includes simple coloring pages to help your child remember which way "b" and "d" face by associating the direction of the letter with a dog and a bee.
Latin Noun Declension
This 1-page PDF was designed to go along with the Latina Christian curriculum and includes the first two noun declensions.
Latin Verb Conjugations
This 1-page PDF was designed to go along with the Latina Christian curriculum and includes the present, future, and imperfect tenses.
English From the Roots Up Flashcards (Vol. 1)
This 100-pg PDF includes one page for each root card in English From the Roots Up (Volume 1). The file prints only the root on the card. The back of the card, with all the derivatives, will still need to be filled out by the student.
Weekly Assignment Planner
This customizable 1-pg PDF allows parents to write down assignments for the week, but the student can choose which days of the week he actually completes them. See the post for a full explanation for how we have used this planner.
Weekly Student Conference Form
This customizable 2-pg PDF is meant to be used in a weekly conference with your child to review the previous week. Similar to an annual review at your job, this conference form allows you and your child to rate a number of areas, such as completion, quality, and organization of school work, overall attitude, interaction with siblings, independence and initiative, punctuality, response to correction, follow-through, completion of chores, and productive use of free time.