Wouldn't you love to visit a website that regularly posts concise reviews of great children's books and offers an easy way to print off the information for reference? Sounds like the perfect resource for homeschoolers, huh!
I've talked about this wonderful site before, but I just had to mention it again in case you missed it the first time. If you're looking for great books for your kids to read, make sure you check out Family Reads. This informative site, which is run by a family of avid readers, is where you'll find honest reviews and recommendations for high-quality, high-interest, children's books.
I subscribe to their daily feed so I don't miss a single review. If you haven't checked them out already, head on over there to see what you've been missing!
Hi! I found your blog through the intricate web of homeschooling blogs and follow it every few days. I recently found a new book club that I thought I would share, just in case you haven't heard of it yet….www.paperbackswap.com
It is free to join and you receive books for free when you share books. ( 1 for 1 )
I hope you enjoy it!