Ever since we started homeschooling, I've struggled with the logistics of how and where the kids turn in their homeschool assignments for grading.
We've finally developed a system that has—so far—worked well.
The kids each have an assignment list that I generate with our Homeschool Tracker PLUS program. Ideally, they complete their work throughout the day, and when they are done with an assignment, they place the completed workbook or worksheet in the PIT for me to grade. The PIT is simply a basket that sits on our library shelf in the living room.
Why do we call it the PIT? I'd like to think that PIT is just an acronym for "Put It There!" (Then again, maybe we just call it the PIT because it's more fun to say, "Did you put your work in the PIT?" rather than, "Did you put your work in the basket?")
Workbooks can just be placed in the PIT by themselves, but worksheets are (supposed to be) placed in folders that stay in the PIT permanently but are color-coded for each child.
On an ideal school day, once the kids' work is done for the day, I just take the PIT to the couch with me, along with the three ring binder I keep all my answer keys in, and grade all the work. By grading, I really mean that I check it over and discuss any problems with them; we aren't keeping grades officially right now but I still call it "grading" out of habit.
I must confess that I usually don't clean out the PIT on a regular basis. It's more like every other day or once a week that Jeff and I actually sort through the entire contents of the PIT and grade their homeschool assignments, but at least it gets done!
So how do you handle turning in papers? I'd love to hear what works for other families.
ethan says
Looks like Delta made it to the PIT 🙂