We were so proud when our girls rocked the house at church.
Well, maybe they didn't exactly rock the house, but they both did sing in church tonight. Every three months our church holds a Fifth Sunday Singin' where anyone and their dog can get up and sing. The girls are always eager to take part.
The last time Jerah sang, she chose a Superchick song, complete with a rap-ish section in the middle. This time she opted for a more traditional piece, sans rap.
Joely sang "Set the World on Fire" by Britt Nicole, which is one of the songs she listens to repeatedly in her room. She learned it completely on her own.
This song was quite a leap in musical difficulty for Joely. The last two times she's sung she chose to sing short, familiar hymns, and I accompanied her on the piano. This time she had a full-blown sound track to sing along with. We also typed out the words and put it on the overhead screen so people would be able to understand what she was saying since her articulation isn't all that clear yet.
Although Joely knew all the words by heart, when she performed the song, she stumbled over the words of the second verse, mainly because she was trying to read the words off the screen instead of singing it from memory. But she recovered well and finished beautifully.
We are very proud of our girls, and we think they did indeed "rock the house!"
They both did really well, but I thought Jerah stepped it up a notch from last time I recall hearing her…very enjoyable. 🙂
KevinIC3’s last blog post..Just laugh…
Goodness, how do you not dissolve into a heap of "proud mommy tears" when listening to those songs!?! I had tears, and I've never met your girls! Beautiful…
Amy’s last blog post..MPM — My Blender Got Shot
How sweet! We had 5th Sunday sing last night, too. 😀 It is such a blessing to hear our children singing praises to God. 😀
Sherry’s last blog post..Simple Woman's Daybook – December 1st