If your children are studying Latin like we are, you might like to download these two free Latin Readers —Cornelia and A New Latin Primer. Both would be a great addition to whatever Latin curriculum you're using.
Cornelia, by Mima Maxey
Written in 1933, Cornelia is a story about the adventures of a young girl living in the United States in the early 1900's. There are 40 chapters in the book, and the Latin becomes progressively more difficult throughout the book. There is an author's forward at the beginning that includes recommendations for how to use it. Cornelia also includes suggested questions for each chapter that can be used for writing in Latin, as well as vocabulary lists that correspond to the chapters. Cornelia is 78 pages long.
A New Latin Primer, by Mima Maxey and Majorie Fay
Also written in 1933, A New Latin Primer is a series of 40 stories ranging from Rome to more modern times, and like Cornelia, the Latin grows progressively more difficult as the book progresses. Also included are topics for writing stories in Latin based on what was read, dictation lessons, and vocabulary lists. A New Latin Primer is 138 pages long.
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