If you have ever been stumped helping your homeschool do temperature conversions, then the Celsius and Fahrenheit conversion chart below will hopefully clear the air and make it easier for you and your child.
The subject of temperature, boiling points, and Celsius vs. Fahrenheit arose during Jaden's science lesson today. It served as a reminder that I'm not very confident about converting tempteratures between Celsius and Fahrenheit; and I discovered my son needed a review as well.
I created these two printable study charts about Celsius and Fahrenheit to make it easier for both of us to memorize the necessary concepts. The first study chart lists some common temperatures in both Celsius and Fahrenheit, ones that would be useful for everyone to memorize. The second chart includes a visual that simplifies the process of converting temperature measurements between Celsius and Fahrenheit. It should serve as an easy reminder to allow anyone to convert temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit without difficulty.
You can see a sample of the charts below. Feel free to download these Celsius and Fahrenheit Study Charts for your personal use.
Hi Joy, thanks so much for that simple diagram on top of the post! I always have trouble when writing a blog post or tweet about the temperature we are having here in Dubai (we are using C) and relaying it to my US readers and friends who use Fahrenheit.
Your formula is so easy to remember!
Awesome chart, thanks!
I always appreciate your visual aids! I am a very visual learner and they help immensely! Perfect for our study of weather this month! Thanks again.
thanks for this timely chart. You seem to create something perfect just when we need it. Thanks for sharing your time and wisdom for a newish homeschool family like us.
Your chart is very easy to understand. Thanks for providing.
Thanks for the chart. What a great resource!
My son was having a hard time with this topic so I Googled for help and your site came up. This visual is perfect! Thank you!
My name is Meghan Danahey. I am the noon and 5pm TV Meteorologist in St. Louis. We do an educational severe weather/general weather safety program each year. We do a Power Point presentation at 4 different area community centers. I would LOVE to be able to use your Celsius/Fahrenheit scale as part of my trivia segment. May I use it with your permission? My thanks!
I'm so sorry I'm so delayed in replying. Yes, you are welcome to use the scale. Permission granted.