A field trip including a mystery to solve was our experience today.
We have the world's best Christian rock radio station here in the Dallas area: PowerFM 89.7 (which can be streamed live on the web, btw). We had set up a studio tour for today, basically a mini field trip for the kids, so we left the house this morning at 10 to make the hour-long drive to the station.
About 20 minutes into the drive, the check coolant light came on in the car and the word STOP flashed across our instrument panel. And so we stopped.
Jeff checked under the hood, and sure enough the coolant level was really low, but the mysterious part about the whole thing was that the coolant cap was missing. We were perplexed at what could have happened to the cap, but we refilled the reservoir, and went on our way — coolant-capless, but planning to stop at the dealership on the way back.
We made it to the PowerFM studio around 11 a.m., and we spent about 25 minutes with Jade, the 10-3 DJ, who took us on a tour of the studio. After the tour, Jade gave the kids each a prize bag (with a different music cd in each bag), and we got in the car to head to the dealership.
At the dealership, we were able to determine that the coolant cap had been missing probably since only this morning. But it was still a mystery, considering that if it just fell off when we were driving, the cap somehow managed to miss any vital, moving parts of the engine (thankfully!).
The service tech replaced the cap on the coolant reservoir and sent us on our way…without charging us a thing! Now that's the real mystery.
The rock station was a great field trip and the mystery (or two mysteries) was just an added bonus to our normally sedate homeschool day.
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