As I have never baked with parchment paper (and neither has my mom), I have hard to remove cookies, etc. when I cook with cookie sheets. I am sure you don't have this problem.
I decided to try something new the last time I baked my absolutely delicious double chocolate cake mix cookies; I lined my cookie sheet with parchment paper.
I've never used parchment paper before, but I was getting tired of my cookie sheets burning my cookies. (And yes, if you're wondering, it was my cookie sheets' fault!) My favorite chef, Alton Brown, recommends using parchment paper when baking, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try.
And I'm so glad I did. Talk about awesome! The cookies didn't burn at all, and they ended up with a fantastic texture. And clean up? Oh, it was so much easier.
So with one no-burn baking success under my belt, I decided to use parchment paper with another favorite recipe of mine — cheddar cheese biscuits (using this recipe for cheese bread). No matter what I've tried before, these biscuits always end up a little too done on the bottom for my taste.
But with the parchment paper, the biscuits turned out perfect! And the best part was, I didn't have to leave half of the biscuits stuck to the sheet because they had burned. Again, a perfect success!
Since I'm such a newbie when it comes to using parchment paper, I decided to look on Reynolds' site to see if they had some information on how better to use the paper, and of course they did here. But what was even better was that I found a printable coupon for $1 off Reynolds Parchment Paper, which I will definitely be printing to purchase my next box of parchment paper.
And if you're wondering if you can just use wax paper the same way as parchment paper? Here's a great article explaining the differences.
I now consider cooking with parchment paper a life skill. I think I will pass this idea on to my mom as well as my children.
Please note, this is NOT a paid review of Reynolds Parchment Paper; it is a completely voluntary review.
This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday.
I have been using tin foil on my cookie sheets for years now – I HATE WASHING COOKIE SHEETS! But parchment paper might be nice too. One tip that I use with Tin foil – put a splash of water on the pan before laying down the foil (or paper). It holds it in place while you place the cookies or biscuits or whatever…
AWESOME!!! I have such issues w/baking… so maybe this will solve all of my problems in that department lol… plus the $1.00 coupon is super exciting!
.-= Amanda (Garibay Soup)´s last blog ..Works for Me Wednesday – Designing the BEST 10 Years of Your Life =-.
Thanks for this reminder! I have some and have used it before, but had forgotten all about it.
what a great tip! i never knew it would make an actual difference!!!
.-= Megan @ LittleBellaBean´s last blog ..I'm going insane! =-.
I've often wondered about parchment paper! And I've always thought that I could get by with wax paper. Thank you for the link explaining the difference between the two.
Annie Kate
.-= Annie Kate´s last blog ..Considering New Year’s Resolutions =-.
I had a little trouble trying to use in Christmas '08 for fudge. Have you tried using it for fudge? I used it this year for peppermint bark and that turn out successfully. But maybe because that was a freezer recipe. The fudge recipe was the marshmallow one.
@Erika, I've never tried it with fudge, but I'd think it would have worked for fudge as well as anything else. What happened with it? Did it not release the fudge when it was done?
You have been missing out. I use parchment paper all of the time, maybe too much. What can I say it's beautiful and I thoroughly enjoy it. Happy Baking!
.-= mama bear´s last blog .. =-.
Wow, I didn't really know there was a difference between parchment paper and wax paper! I typically do use parchment paper though and I love it! I am soo glad you discovered it!
I've never used parchment paper before but now I know that it's getting added to my shopping list! 🙂
I tried making Cheddar Bay Biscuits, like you wold find at Red Lobster. They tasted just like them except the bottoms were very hard and burned. I thought I did something wrong but I greased the sheet! I'll be buying parchment paper and trying it again.