Between music camp, a writing workshop in Kansas, and a dozen other activities, I've been trying to finalize our homeschool curriculum plan for this upcoming school year. And I'm elated to say the plan is finally done, and nearly all the curriculum has been ordered.
Here's our homeschool curriculum plan for the upcoming year. And as usual, it's subject to change.
NOTE: I've updated this post with what we actually ended up using this year. The changes are noted below.
Joely, 4th grade girl
- World Views:Who is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?)
- English:
Rod & Staff 4and Wordsmith Apprentice. We dropped R&S this year for a change and to focus more on writing. We finished Wordsmith, and then purchased Writing With Ease (book 2) but that wasn't a good fit for us. So I did some more searching and we ordered level 2 of Michael Clay Thompson's language arts curriculum. We've so far been using his Grammar Town, Building Poems, and Caesar's English and have been very happy with it. We'll be continuing with MCT's curriculum next year. - Math: Singapore Math 4 along with the Challenging Word Problems 4 and Process Skills in Problem Solving 4. Joely finished level 4 and will finish 5A and half of Challenging Word Problems 5 by the end of the school year.
- Science: Christian Kids Explore Chemistry probably mixed with Earth & Space and Physics in the same series. We finished all three books — Chemistry, Physics, and Earth & Space.
- History: The Story of The World (volumes 3 & 4) When Joely finished SOTW, she asked to study Africa, so we're now about a third of the way through Journey Into Africa, which we're really enjoying.
- Keyboarding:
Using Mavis Beacon software. We updated our computer's operating system, so Joely is not longer able to use Mavis Beacon. Instead she's been using - Latin: Visual Latin
- Drawing & Design:
Using various books on drawing we already own andThe Non-Designer's Design Book.
Joely has been learning more about HTML and CSS from - Music: Private drum lessons and Practica Musica
- Physical Education: Judo lessons
Jerah, 7th grade girl
- World Views: Thinking Like a Christian
- English & Writing: Writers' Workshop course at Potter's School (will also be using resources from Analytical Grammar in the class). She'll also be doing One Year Adventure Novel's Other Worlds curriculum.
- Math: Chalk Dust Prealgebra
- Science: Exploring Creation With General Science at Potter's School
- History: Beautiful Feet's Early American & World History
- Logic: The Thinking Toolbox
- Personal Finance: Foundations in Personal Finance (first semester)
- Latin: Visual Latin
- Music: Private bass guitar lessons and Practica Musica
- Design:
Adobe Illustrator CS5 One-On-One and The Non-Designer's Design BookJerah has been learning tons about photography and Photoshop on - Physical Education: Judo lessons
Jaden, 9th grade boy
- World Views: Thinking Like a Christian
- English: English 3 course at Potter's School
- Spelling: Apples Daily Spelling Drills for Secondary Students. Jaden finished book 1 and has moved on to book 2.
- Math: Chalk Dust Geometry
- Science: Exploring Creation With Biology at Potter's School
- Study Skills: Using How to Study for College at Potter's School (first semester)
- Personal Finance: Foundations in Personal Finance (first semester)
- Government: Exploring Government (second semester)
- Latin 1: Using Lingua Latina at Potter's School.
- Music: Private guitar lessons and Practica Musica
- Computer Science/Programming:
Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML, Programming in Objective-C, andLearning iOS Game Programming: A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First iPhone Game
Jaden is discovering that programming may not in fact be what he wants to pursue. Consequently, he's going to finish Programming in Objective-C but will not be reading the other two books this year. - Physical Education: Judo lessons
Hi Joy – I love your site! You have done a lot of work and I appreciate your sharing. Thank you!
My son is going into 8th grade and showing interest in graphic art (like his dad). Computers are not my thing. My husband doesn't have the time. Can you give me any recommendations? I've looked at what you are using with your kids but I don't know where to begin. He has no fear when I comes to computers. He wants a Mac Book pro and he's saving for that but we currently have a PC. Any advice would be appreciated.
Happy homeschooling!
By graphic art, what do you mean? Graphic design? Web design?
Web design. I am clueless in this area. He doesn't have a lot of computer background so I would like him to get the basics, too.
Hi! My girls brought me here from OYAN.
Do you know about this free gift from Carnegie Mellon University:
"Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing. It uses 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface to facilitate a more engaging, less frustrating first programming experience. "
THANK YOU so much for this site. I feel as though I can take a breath now. I appreciate your dedication to the site. It's inspiring.
Hi Joy, My son is one grade behind yours. This year we have used America the Beautiful by Notgrass for history and love it. How did you decide on Exploring Government for Jaden for ninth grade? I was looking at World History but I see you have that in 11th grade. Also, Exploring Creation with Biology, is that something they can do on their own or do you recommend a class-like setting? Just curious and would love some input. Thanks! :o)
I bet that Kansas writing workshop had to be the OYAN summer workshop. That was very cool!
Thank you for posting a free downloadable gradebook. I love it!!! This is my first year homeschooling one of my kids, my youngest. She was attending a private school as well as my oldest. It is a wonderful fit for him but she was not getting what she needed. She has been homeschooling for the past two weeks and she is doing wonderful and she loves it.
Thanks again for the gradebook. It is awesome!!!