Jaden's in the 8th grade now, and he's doing a lot more studying on his own. We've been working really hard on improving his study skills, and I've looked for some books that might help him in that area. After seeing How to Study: A Practical Guide for a Christian Perspective recommended on a curriculum […]
Archives for August 2010
Understand Idioms with Online Idiom Dictionary
Idioms are a part of everyone's daily spoken vocabulary, so of course children need to learn what idioms mean. I've written before about a number of excellent resources for understanding idioms, but my husband introduced me to a new one recently. IdiomDictionary.com is a quick and easy way to find explanations and examples for over 5,000 idioms. […]
Free Cursive Handwriting Curriculums
In my search for a quality cursive handwriting curriculum, I found a website that has collected an incredible number of calligraphy and penmanship curriculums and books from decades ago. Many of the books are available as free downloadable pdfs, while others can be viewed exclusively online. You can view their entire index of calligraphy and penmanship […]
How to Find Good Books for Your Kids to Read
Finding good books for your kids to read can be challenging. Over the years I've often referred to a number of book lists to help me find new reading material. Here are two of my favorites. 1000 Good Books List, by Classical Christian Education. This list is separated by general reading level. Ambleside Online Booklists. […]
How to Homeschool Better with Netflix
If you're like me, and you don't have cable or satellite tv, and you also live in a town with a less-than-satisfactory library, finding videos and DVD's to supplement curriculum can be difficult. But we don't have that problem anymore. Netflix is now as much a part of our homeschool curriculum as math and science. […]
Traveling the Northwest with my Girls
If you've wondered where I've been lately, I've been in a van driving across country with my two girls, my parents, and my sister. Here are a few highlights from our trip. Leaving for the trip from my parents' home in Missouri. Beautiful Yosemite Valley in California. I was the wedding photographer at my niece's […]